Friday, October 11, 2024

The Power of Supportive Relationships


Imagine feeling like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, but then suddenly someone steps in and offers a helping hand. It could be a close friend who listens to your problems without judgement, a family member who offers practical assistance during tough times, or a support group that provides guidance for coping with trauma.  

Having people who care for us and believe in us can can make all the difference in our ability to cope with and recover from difficult events. This is the power of social support.

Studies have shown that having a good social support network not only helps us cope with tough times but also plays a vital role in promoting mental wellness and protecting against distress. This is especially significant for individuals who have experienced trauma.  

There are three main types of social support:

Emotional support involves providing trust, empathy, love, and care for the person seeking help. This type of support can help individuals feel less alone and improve their overall sense of well-being.

Instrumental support, on the other hand, involves providing practical assistance. This can include financial aid or help with daily tasks, which may be essential for those with immediate needs. Studies have shown that instrumental support is associated with a lower risk of suicide death. 

Informational support involves offering advice and guidance. This can help individuals make informed decisions and access appropriate resources for coping with their trauma. 

Research has also shown that those with larger social networks and stronger social support experience less reactivity to stressors and better overall mental health. This supports the "stress-buffering hypothesis," which suggests that social support acts as a shield against negative thoughts and beliefs following trauma.

So if you're going through a tough time, reach out to your support network. Don't underestimate their power. Prioritize them and lean on them when needed. Whether it comes from a romantic partner, family member, close friend, or and organized support group, these relationships can help in your journey toward better mental health.

Who is in your social support network?


If you believe change is possible, you want to change, and you are willing to do the work, you absolutely CAN get your life back.”

Get your copy of The Soldier's Guide to PTSDThe Soldier's Workbook

or Acknowledge & Heal, A Women's-Focused Guide to PTSD

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